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That article is terrible. Sensationalism in the opposite direction. Comparing this to a cult and hyping up the supposed cult leader with faux concern while also overemphasizing kink. She's playing both sides behind pretend-reasonableness.

But this isn't a cult and Kage isn't a cult leader. He doesn't control anyone's lifestyle or money or force them to do anything weird in everyday life, he just runs Anthrocon and gets to talk a lot. I can't speak for Dominic/Video but I doubt even he would say this accurately portrays the intention of his movie. The movie was actually gentle on Kage.

Personally I have nothing against Kage. I LOVE what he did with getting a parade on the street. I think the movie is great and it's great that it points out a tendency for paradoxical group conformity over individuality. But all Kage represents is a tendency, not "abuse". WTF! The worst thing I read in that article is that he just banned Dominic from Anthrocon for no real reason except censoring. Oh, well, he can go to other cons.


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