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Why did those crazy kids have to come in and ruin everything!

Positive light.

Why do people so often assume that documentary (or anything else) has to serve positivity or represent them like it's made by the eye of god above - can't it just be a story told in someone's own voice?

Walking on eggshells to do service to everyone, as in crossie's complaints is just as limiting as the supposed narrow focus of this movie. At this point (when a community is bigger than a room in 1993) the documentary that does justice to everyone would be very generic and boring as shit. But this one's really not narrow - the subjects that were picked represent bigger things. Could crossie name any artists or writers who have a relationship with media and fandom like Boomer and Kage?

If so (and I do know of some really interesting issues about furry art) that would make a good documentary too, but a different one.


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