I'm happy my interview has triggered such a lively debate. I'm also very happy to hear non-furs are enjoying the film in the screenings people mentioned - puts my mind at ease a great deal.
IMHO the best media piece (in terms of showing furry in a positive light) was the 1993 Sci-Fi Buzz segment on ConFurence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbLSfdaQDUI [sorry I don't know how to embed a link into text here] - they showed plenty of art along with interviewing furs and included a few shots of suiters as well.
Fun fact: you can see the bottom of my shoe at 1:21 into the piece. I had just started working for Sci-Fi Channel (as it was known at the time) and this was the first con I attended. I almost had a heart attack when I heard there was a crew there from my channel; I wasn't quite ready to come out of the furry closet back then, especially to my new employer and made sure to keep my face off-camera!
Hi, everybody again!
I'm happy my interview has triggered such a lively debate. I'm also very happy to hear non-furs are enjoying the film in the screenings people mentioned - puts my mind at ease a great deal.
IMHO the best media piece (in terms of showing furry in a positive light) was the 1993 Sci-Fi Buzz segment on ConFurence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbLSfdaQDUI [sorry I don't know how to embed a link into text here] - they showed plenty of art along with interviewing furs and included a few shots of suiters as well.
Fun fact: you can see the bottom of my shoe at 1:21 into the piece. I had just started working for Sci-Fi Channel (as it was known at the time) and this was the first con I attended. I almost had a heart attack when I heard there was a crew there from my channel; I wasn't quite ready to come out of the furry closet back then, especially to my new employer and made sure to keep my face off-camera!
- Joe