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To be totally honest, in the comment GR linked to, note the "Cassidy" I referred to crawled up my butt last year and was an early supporter of the documentary here, so she probably actually poisoned that well long before anything else.

Admittedly, my problem with the documentary (and this will probably set Patch off, but oh well) is partially that this "metacommunity" or whatever part of the whole furry thing isn't my cup of tea, but it's also partially that when you did get more into the "what furries do" over the "who furries are" aspects, you went right back to fursuits (like everyone before you, inside and outside of the fandom) and ignored pretty much everything else (like everyone before you, inside and outside the fandom).

It's not just that you didn't feature "scenes of people drawing;" it's that you did feature scenes of people fursuiting. Or, put another way, you featured one "furry art" to the exclusion of another. You may have went out of your way to feature Boomer's bizarre take on the fursuit, but at the end of the day, it's still just another fursuit. As far as I've heard, you didn't include his bizarre "photo-morph" artwork. Why not (unless he's stopped doing that, I guess)?


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