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I won't give out personal life info but you probably don't want to see my furry "documentary", it's kinda NSFW ;) Also this might involve how the Furry Force guys knew me.

And wow "fairness" is getting invasive. How does it matter what you want, when some artist is making their own creation in their own voice? Did you commission the movie or should they ask your permission? If it doesn't specially cater to you, you can skip seeing it. It's pretty easy not to get bugged that there's a movie with fursuits in it - it's been a pretty awesome year for this stuff, but I don't think there's going to be billboards with a 3 story tall Boomer that you can't ignore. Anyways he got to make the movie because it does reward someone. That's how people get money to make this kind.

Even saying it has responsibility for speaking for you isn't a productive move... The promotion and everything explicitly says it's not speaking for a group. The movie's about overbearing people stepping on other's personal expression out of misguided groupthink.


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