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Actually, this is unfair. You're preemptively setting victory conditions; saying "this isn't what I want" may not be valid criticism but it is a perfectly valid response. If the only way, set by you and the documentarian, to validly respond to a documentary is by making your own, how am I supposed to respond when my feeling is "I think the entire exercise of creating furry documentaries is unrewarding for me"?

You are also implying I don't "love" or "care about" or "whatever the hell" furry enough because I don't drop everything to achieve an admittedly unrealistic goal. I'm not talking about documentary film-making here (which I could maybe feasibly accomplish); I'm talking about my dream projects. If I had a reasonable opportunity to accomplish those dreams, yes, I would be a ninny to let them go; but "you know, I really can't afford to do that" is not an unreasonable assessment of the reality of the situation, nor is it an acquiescence to "helplessness". Tomorrow is another day, and things may change, but it's just not in the cards right now.

You've set up unwinnable conditions for me, here, Patch. I either die trying to do something I don't want to do, or I'm not a real furry.


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