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Helplessness is no excuse, the point is this one guy did make a movie nobody else would make, without a big studio. (He also doesn't happen to be rich, if the process of making his not-likely-to-reap-millions documentary is a clue). Someone else doesn't like how he made it and wants it done differently - that's entitled. If you want a story told your way, then do it. You don't even need film school to make films, you can do it in your bedroom if you're animating. If you don't have money for films, use another medium. That's how all the fursuits, comics, conventions etc happen. DIY is a great ethic for a low-art subculture.

This is reminding me of putting on low-brow and erotic art shows in a small town. Some douchebag demanded sheets over the art before the show started in case some fragile person might see, complaining that nudity wasn't proper. My friend said "if you want the tits painted properly, paint your own tits!"


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