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I don't know, this whole thing is kind of frustrating; it's like, finally, someone has the balls to say, "Look, I'm into porn, you're into porn, furries are into porn, and you know what, the people who watch this are going to be into porn, so let's get fucking over it already." But then he doesn't show any!

Except for the Bad Dragon stuff, which sounds like just about the best thing in the movie (though I'm kind of disappointed to learn it comes after Boomer saying he's not into adult stuff, when what I thought it was when I first heard about it was a like a smash cut from Uncle Kage saying furries aren't into kinky stuff straight to dog dildoes, which would have been the best thing ever).

Other than, it sounds same old, same old; hey, more fursuits (I know it's your thing, Patch, but you always get your thing; there's always fursuits in these things, and nothing else).


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