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The only possible way to make Nintendo change is to hurt them in the pocketbook. As long as they're making money selling essentially the same game over and over again (and if it's their Virtual Console then you probably are buying the same game over and over again if you want it on multiple systems) they'll never change and Miyamoto's entourage will continue to hold too much influence on what they'll sell.

And I'd like to add to the list of disrespect Nintendo has shown its customers by bringing up the recent announcement that Zelda has once again been delayed - this time until 2017, around same time their next system will be released (and the new Zelda is now being advertised as for both the Wii U and the NX). The Wii U has sold fairly abysmally, I believe only beaten out by the Virtual Boy for worst selling system released by Nintendo.
So they're apparently following the failed business plan of the old Sega company - when a system has been outperformed by its competitors just jump to a new system... who knows whether Nintendo has reached the point of no return where fans stop shelling out dollars giving them the benefit of the doubt that the system will release enough quality games to make it worth their time and cash. So much wasted potential for that system - they never did justify that gamepad controller.


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