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Y'know what I'd like to see in a Star Fox game? More variety, more enemies, more story. Even the Mario and Zelda series try some experimentation every so often, but the SF series seems stuck. BTW, the controls for Star Fox Zero sound like they're a major sticking point for many people - there was a lengthy rant I heard on a Kotaku podcast about how difficult it was to use the controller scheme.

Anyways... going to go on a tangent with something I'd like to see in a Star Fox game :)

Here's my idea, and I would love to pitch it to Nintendo if they had open ears for fans that want to see them succeed: Star Fox Academy.

I'm looking at some inspiration from the Star Wars games, or basically any established franchise that came out with a game where you create your own character - usually a low level recruit climbing the ladder, who has missions and interactions with the established characters.

You'd create your own character, play with his/her traits, strengths, weaknesses. You'd be joining the Cornerian army, building up your character starting with low level missions until you eventually are playing a key role with the Star Fox team - at least in story mode. Story mode would allow one overall threat which you would confront however your decisions built up your character - maybe you're more about ground warfare or tanks, have missions and story take you through that, or the more traditional space battles - maybe one of your missions is a distraction to help out Fox's team take out the main threat (or vice versa).

You'd have the main 1-player storyline and then also offer a sort of MMO environment for players online to interact with each other, go on missions, maybe stage wars against each other.

Oh lastly, I'd add in some new enemies. What about if it starts with the usual Andross vs Fox but then a third alien army appears out of nowhere? Maybe like a Borg, Tyranids, or whatever species of conquerors that just comes out of nowhere. You could mix in possibly teaming up with Andross, or maybe trying to thwart a team-up between him and the new foes, or an all-out battle. Something different!

Ah, another idea I've had which could be incorporated into maybe a more standard SF game - replace the animations of the characters with the puppets we've seen in their more recent promotions and advertisements. I think it'd be cute and different. Maybe make the game a little more light-hearted, like maybe a short story game that is a diversion rather and priced cheaper than a full-blow $60 price tag.

Anyways, my two-cent tangent :P


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