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So, okay. Tor, the science fiction imprint of multinational conglomerate Macmillan Publishing, is party to a "social justice warrior" conspiracy that guarantees only that SJW-blessed books (presumably mostly, if not exclusively, from Tor) ever get Hugos. This has a minor problem: it's banana crazypants.

Tor is literally responsible for more than half of the science fiction books published each year, which means that sheer statistics alone would lead you to expect that out of 5 best novel nominees, Tor would reliably place 2 or 3 every year; if they were consistently getting 4 or 5, the Puppies might be onto something, but they just aren't. In the 2014 Hugos, Tor had only 1 out of 5 nominees; in 2013, they had only 1 out of 5; in 2012, 1 out of 5; in 2011, none. In fact, I can only find two instances going back to 2000 where Tor got 3 nominees, which again is still in normal statistical expectation given their market size: 2006 and, ironically, 2015. Why is 2015 ironic? Because that's the first year the Rabid Puppies pushed their slate; if they hadn't, Tor would have probably had just 1 or 2 again.

Extra credit irony: The novel I see vilified the most by Puppies -- other than anything by John Scalzi -- is Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice, which was published by Orbit. Which is, just so we're clear, not Tor. And yes, I've seen people argue that Tor is secretly responsible for the nomination of books that are not published by them anyway; I presume a similar mechanism explains how Apple is secretly responsible for every Samsung Galaxy S7 sale.

As for Mr. Day's claimed Native American ancestry (among several other ethnicities) functioning as a "get out of racism free" card, well, there's no arguing with logic like that. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

— Chipotle


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