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If you're excluding those that already have live-action versions, then The Lion King is a bit tenuous on account of the Broadway musical, though admittedly that version of the story hasn't been released as a film.

Back about 1996 when there was first talk of producing a stage version of The Lion King, there was a lot of skepticism among fans over whether they could pull it off well and not have it end up all smarmy and falling flat. Director Julie Taymor gave the stage version a whole new look and feel that proved to be a roaring success (no pun intended). Taymor went on to direct Across the Universe, in which at various points I could see stylistic similarity to her work on The Lion King.

This, and the positive reviews of The Jungle Book, shows that Disney can make an animated animal film work in live action at least some of the time, even if they've been known to botch it (101 Dalmatians; see my other comment).


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