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Well, The Jungle Book is out, and Disney did a pretty good job with it, so what other movie would you like to see turned live action? Okay, so, I admit, probably should have had an "abstain" option, but, I guess, in that case, which movie would you least hate to see adapted into live action? Because they'll probably do it, anyway. Couple absences to note; I skipped movies that already have a Disney live action adaptation (Alice in Wonderland, One Hundred and One Dalmations, Cinderella), or that have a live action adaptation announced (Dumbo, and I probably wouldn't have added Beauty and the Beast, anyway, but Beauty and the Beast), feature fully anthropomorphic worlds (Robin Hood, Chicken Little and Zootopia, because what would be the point?), any of Disney's anthology movies (duh), and The Rescuers Down Under, because, I don't know, maybe should do The Rescuers first.

Anyway, that's the poll, but I'd also like to add that I don't think anyone called The Jungle Book, so it's open to review (please remind me if that's not the case); however, I've seen it, and am planning on writing a review (maybe out Wednesday?), so if you want a go at it, go now (and it does not have the Zootopia "I'll let anyone and everyone have a shot at it caveat," so it's going to be first come, first serve).

Last week's poll saw DreamWorks animation come through; I'm guessing they have more experience with furry characters, with their Kung Fu Panda and Madagascar franchises, plus more stand-alone furry movies than Pixar and Disney's recent output (and those two probably happily tied for second).


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