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Okay, this week's poll is about furry movies; let's say, theoretically, I don't know, Nintendo says tomorrow, we're turning Star Fox into a movie, but obviously, we're not going to do it, so who would you like to see tackle the project (if you don't care about Star Fox or whatever, it's just an example; whatever the equivalent would be)? I think I got most of the major studios, plus a few of the smaller-but-still-prestigious studios mainly producing English language movies (I would have included Studio Ghibli, but there's some uncertainty as to whether they still exist, which means there are, sadly, no studios specializing in traditional, drawn animation on the board). If you are unfamiliar with a studio, that's what God invented Google for. Of course, if I missed any obvious studios, let me know.

Anyway, it turns out most of the participants in last week's poll found out their secret hedgehog identity, so that's nice.


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