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Good point, on the one hand we see Zootopia fan art, maybe even a Zootopia related fursuit, along with many other tie ins to other commercial work and some of us say who cares if we violate someone's copyright. Then there are those whose whole view on the fandom is quite unique. Just watch any fursuit parade video, and tell me there isn't any one of a kind fursuits. That is impossible, like furry art and even furry comics. Most noteable Circles, which to me despite some of its critics is a fantastic piece of work. I am 100% sure if the furry element was removed it would be a published work by one of the major publishing houses and on the NYT Bestseller list.

The furry fandom is very unique, and I think a lot of furries saw that in Zootopia and why of of the reasons it was so successful. It is said some of the people behind the scenes in that film are in fact furries. I see more unique aspects of the fandom because of my interest in the fandom than most people. How many can actually say they go through roughly 1,000 videos a year. There are more one of a kind furry videos on Youtube and Dailymotion than most people even know about. The same with stories and art, I have really seen some amazing pieces, some are literally works of art. Then you have the webcomics, there are more than I could literally name. Most Notably "Housepets", and "Savestatecomics", both having very unique views, I highly recommend checking them out.

Oh sure we can say the fandom borrows from other media, that is true to some degree. But there is a greater portion in my opinion of very unique works.


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