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Let me rephrase the above into a question: Why would we come together if we weren't sharing something unique?
My reply above points out how we didn't come together because it was easy.

To be honest, I am confused by your article; since two unique things cannot be compared, I am led to believe the meta-message of the article is "Because we are not more unique, we are not unique", and this is supported by the fact that one of your own headlines is "So, if we aren't special, then why do we keep saying that we are?" where you proceed to support this instead of contrast it.

I am upset by this article because it belittles my experience and offers me no new insights to our fandom. It often feels like anyone commenting on Furry who is not a Furry wants to put it down, and I can look past all of that because it doesn't mean anything to them, but finding similar sentiments on a Furry news site written by a Furry... Why?

I feel like you are writing our historical obituary that bleaches out all traces of our purpose of being. Furry is the most important thing in my life. What I get out of Furry I could not find in the anime fandom, the Sci-Fi fandom, gaming communities both table top and electronic. I couldn't find it in high school or college, established religions, spiritualist groups, in the company of philosophers or the company of hedonists. I could not find it anywhere else and if only I could explain what "it" was, other than merely using the word Furry, I could express to you why Furry is unique, but I am starting to think that not only I, but the English language, lacks the power to do so, so all I can do is draw a circle around these experiences and point to them and say this is why it is unique.


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