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I have read more than one review theorizing that after Mamoru's last few films felt kind of female-centric (or even female-oriented), this time he appeared to be trying hard to swing the pendulum the other way and create something very MANLY. And so the film is largely a "sausage fest" -- in fact there is only one female character of any note, and even she seems to mostly function as a catalyst to motivate the lead character, Ren/Kyuta. Otherwise, the film is all about Manly Men doing Manly Things in a Manly Way.

Total side note, from a furry perspective: Can we please, please have some sort of an international moratorium on "pig characters" who have a human face with a "pig snout" where their nose would otherwise be? Pigs have a lower jaw, people! [Thank goodness Zootopia didn't go that route.]


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