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In speaking of which, I'm pleasantly surprised at the diversity of the short stories authors this year. I think it bodes well that we can get a variety of authors in there organically and not have to psudo-demand (also see: moan and gripe) about one person running the board to gather competition.

Back when I started writing years ago, one of my long term goals was to try and see if I could not break the Gold dynasty. In hindsight, yes, that's quite a whopper of a goal, and bombastic and kind of an odd thing to do so, especially since now a days I just do it for the sake of enjoyment. It's a far cheaper hobby than videogames.

But long term goals are an important stepping stone, even if they do seem oddly short sighted.

I suppose that doesn't mean that someone other than Mary will win with her nominated story, per say. But if she does, at least I can have confidence that I can call these things over a year in advance now .


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