BuzzFeed News has obtained an email that a marketing agency working with Disney sent to the furry Meetup group Furlife, encouraging furries to post photos of themselves in fursuits to Twitter and Instagram with the movie hashtag, even offering posters or movie swag to those that do.
Notopoulos noted that Disney’s animators have also favorited tweets from furry community Twitter users about the film—and that many furries believe Disney purposely made the film to appeal to furries.
Being used to market a film, and having your tweets noticed by people likely monitoring any mentions on social media, is not the same as being marketed to.
I think the closest they came to that was the trailer in which they kind of ran roughshod over the definition of the word "anthropomorphic".
Being used to market a film, and having your tweets noticed by people likely monitoring any mentions on social media, is not the same as being marketed to.
I think the closest they came to that was the trailer in which they kind of ran roughshod over the definition of the word "anthropomorphic".