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And even worse, for some reason, Ms. Bellwether continues to subject predators to the poisoning, even after she ousted Lionheart from political office. She no longer has any motive to do so. She already stirred the pot and got what she wanted. Why did she continue marking targets? It makes no sense. It makes her a cardboard villain, who makes no sense as well.

Bellwether makes it very clear that she's going to keep making predators savage, "as many as it takes", because she plans on fear being the cornerstone of her reign: "Fear always works!"

I mean, it's obvious that despite the massive uproar against predators, there are people who are against it, even celebrity prey like Gazelle publicly denouncing the "dietism" and standing with them. So if Bellwether sits on her laurels and lets these people make protests without continuously cultivating this fear, it's going to fade.

She's not just wanting to be mayor, she wants to be mayor in a Zootopia that hates and fears predators like never before.


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