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"[...] She could have run against him for the position. And she would have won too, easily. You can try to debate me on this, and that Lionheart could have won, but trust me I've debated every scenario to myself over the past two days. There is no way a lion beats a sheep who have similar messages in a Zootopia election given the above items of dietism in combination with Zootopia's demographic [...]"

Didn't you consider the obvious? I don't think it's impossible for a lion to be mayor over a sheep, but more importantly... From a furry cartoon perspective, it's more awesome to have the lion as the mayor, rather than as the chief secretary. Politicians 'puff' their chests, try to be bigger than life, they are conceited / vain. The character of "the vain lion" with their large mane and teeth is older than Christianity, and so is the character of "the oppressed poor sheep" probably. The scenario isn't inconceivable, and each individuals' species is more fitting to their personality this way.


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