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"Pulling wool over the eyes" is a metaphor too good to miss, what with her being a sheep!

The point is, try interpreting her character as someone who resents her role as a prey, and thus uses the predator line of thinking to further her agenda, of a 'rule of majority' taken to its extreme.

For a character who has definitely been bullied around (but gets the job done, what with her still managing her workload which we see in a couple scenes as being enormous but thankless), it seems almost obvious that she's letting her resentment turn into a full on cryptofascist worldview.
And one can easily be forgiven for overlooking it too, because of how the movie is cut very quickly, and you are led on from one scene to the next.

I trust you'll really enjoy a second, more cynical look at the film. Fingers crossed you'll enjoy it even more.


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