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Iran's system is a theocracy that is as democratic as it can be in regards to keeping elements of a democracy there as a buffer between the religious conservative elites and the increasingly reformist population (a job made especially difficult due to the demographics changing. While during the '79 revolution only a quarter of the population lived and/or worked in an urban environment, that number has almost tripled, and with urbanization comes westernization in their case). When things go sour, people vote certain elements of the Majlis / Parliament away, whilst the Guardian Council, and the Supreme Leader are still many a step away from any democratic input.

With Saudi Arabia, it's a monarchy with everyone in the same family, the house of Saud.
There are Shi'a political leaders, especially near the coasts of the Persian Gulf. They are unable to reach any higher level of power due to the monarchic system itself. And the fact that as soon as they show up, they're quickly jailed, decapitated, and next please.

As for how Lionheart won, it's probably charisma. Of course the fake charisma we so often decry politicians of having.
Heck, look at Mitt Romney. That's a case study right there.


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