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That is true, while Iran's situation is hardly purely democratic, it's kind of why I put the Saudi example next to it. As Saudi Arabia is supposed to be more Democratic and an ally of the West.

I did Google for a Shi'a leader in Saudi Arabia. I didn't get any results.

Obviously someone in the minority can rise up, but mostly the country would have to do what Zootopia does and have a strong political belief that anyone can be anything, and so are willing to put up a minority into positions of responsibility to be symbolic of that ideal.

Thusly, a lion could possibly be a mayor. But in a primary of two candidates promising the same things, it seems far more likely the prey animal would win in Zootopia.

It would be interesting to know the backstory to how a Lion could have possible won, especially one that is so openly belittling to their prey staff as Lionheart is.


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