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She absolutely made no indication thereof, correct.
But then again, one can wonder if it's not some sociopathy she has going on. We're all used to having people be completely open about their political allegiance.
And she actually does have a subtle tell. Why else would she only show up with her 'integration initiatives' when it's a prey creature advancing, a Zootopian twist on affirmative action? We of course don't see her doing it otherwise, and maybe it's overthinking, sure.

Mayor Lionheart, as we see, barely pays attention to his glorified secretary. I wouldn't be surprised if the prideful lion ends up ignoring whatever she says anyway, because he sure gives this impression.

Nick doesn't know about her intentions either, especially at that point in the film.

The rebuttal to your point I'm trying to make here is that people often don't wear their politics in their sleeve.


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