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The movie has an important message about discrimination and prejudice. It exists, it shapes how we live and interact, and it's not just arbitrary non-sense but historically rooted. So we have to both 1- acknowledge our prejudices, 2- work to repair them, against our cognitive biases.

Critics / people are being too self-centered in saying specifically it's about a type of discrimination they are most familiar with (so the metaphor does / does not work). Zootopia is a place where multiple species coexist in a human-like contemporary setting, and several kinds of prejudices are shown in the movie. I'd say Zootopia citizens have a lot more prejudices than we do, by their nature. The movie's about overcoming any kind of prejudice, always working to do our best.

It's not particularly about feminism. It's not particularly about black racism, or muslim racism, or mexican racism. It's not about discrimination against police officers who munch lots of doughnuts. It's all of the above.


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