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But anyway, YMS review ... review. Okay, few points, anyway.

"Everybody's an animal and also racist" is a good joke.

Jason Bateman sounds pretty Jason Bateman-y to me.

Okay, sound mixing criticism; don't, uh, hear that a lot. But, actually, it wasn't so much the mix as how Fantastic Mr. Fox's dialogue was recorded; they did the "all actors present, in a wide open space" format that was in vogue in animation a few years back, but, and I honestly don't know why, because he is right, it does make the mixing lots easier, has for whatever reason dropped by the way side. (Probably scheduling of talent; Fantastic Mr. Fox could big name talent because of the director, on a budget and have them do stuff and be available, because it's freakin' Wes Anderson, while most big name talent on animated movies takes the job because they can do it all in a weekend even if they're the star in a booth).

What does he mean, maybe a nomination? If this year's ceremony is any indication, the Academy will dry-hump a pop star no matter how sad it is, gotta get'em on the Dolby stage!

But, seriously, who buys soundtracks? THE MOVIE MADE THAT JOKE.

He doesn't like that they set up the climax? What? "I would have liked the ending better if it came out of nowhere and was a complete deus ex machina!" If you're doing a bait and switch scene, or any kind of twist, you have to play fair ... I don't think Zootopia could've won this one; foreshadowing is "too obvious," not foreshadowing would have been an "ass pull." That being said, I wonder what his take on The Sting is?

Blueberry homage ... interesting idea, though.

Oh, great, now he's complaining about THE BEST SCENE IN THE MOVIE; patience wearing thin.

But, anyway, does he go into screenwriting in other reviews, 'cause maybe he's being sarcastic about wondering if there's screenwriting formulas, because a reviewer that can't point out the specific screenwriting formula being used for this movie other than to vaguely wonder if, maybe, there is one, is missing something.

Surprise twist ending!


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