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I wouldn't say it's hard at all to suspend disbelief (enough to ignore plot holes), when the movie's about talking human-like bunnies and foxes. It's like the old mosquito cartoons scenario (they complained father mosquito went to work to suck blood, when IRL it's the females who suck the blood).

I know a couple of plot-holes / inconsistencies though Sonious, so I'd like to know which one you're talking about. [SPOILER] ... [ SPOILER] Gazelle sings about 'birds don't just fly they fall down and get up again', while a shot of the sky is shown. There are no birds in this universe. The birds are not shown in the sky shot. They must have been taken out from the movie at a later stage. And how would Gazelle know about birds if they don't exist. [/SPOILER] ... [/SPOILER] Because Gazelle is Shakira and this is a movie.


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