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I like the B movie article! I enjoyed The Emperor's New Groove a lot more than other Disney movies at the time. Except, Zootopia isn't a B-movie, it's an AAA+ movie!!

Thanks for documenting the trend with that article at! You can't control what they'll publish. Their job is specifically to come up with something shocking, so relating it to sex is the most effective way, and they will mock you regardless. But what you can do is keep an upbeat attitude, and tell the truth about how passionate and loving and welcoming the fandom is. And this is what you do! "This isn’t Zootopia fandom taking over, it’s furries doing what they already love."

Organizing the screening here at the capital city was kind of difficult because, topping about 40 attendees, we only filled like 1/3 of the room. We knew of the event weeks before the movie came on cinemas, but the cinemas would allow us to book the seats 4 or 5 days in advance at most, without a definite hour for the screening. So we the organizers were kind of freaking out by such uncertainty, as drama queens furries tend to be. This contrasts to how considerate other venues / events are. I remember The Force Awakens was being announced all over the fucking place way ahead, and you could buy your tickets much in advance; radio advertisements and such encouraged you to do so.

But everything was fine and we had a great time! That's the job of organizing stuff, making the effort so it's a smooth sail. I was thanked for it, that's enough reward.


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