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Hello Fred! I recently read about you / from you in different places, and, I'm greatly honored to read you every single time! Thank you for your response here. I dream of having your passion for reading, and culture, and specifically furry culture, at your age. 's gonna take a while for me to be such an experienced grey muzzle, but I'm slowly getting there. I'm trying to convince people here (Spain) to start documenting the furry fandom as it was born (here) around 2000 - 2005.

I read your review of The Art of Zootopia at ; the book looks interesting, but the price is too steep for me right now. Anomalisa was nominated for the Oscars this year, so that should give it some attention (that's where I heard about it).

The Zootopia movie is very dear to me in that I was not at all expecting it. I heard some rumours that I didn't really believe because honestly I'm a bit disappointed in the direction the movie industry has taken, in making prequels of sequels of remakes, dumbing everything down, making special effects the star rather than storytelling, etc. I'm a sci-fi fan (mostly Asimov and P. Dick), and I wasn't hyped for Star Trek, and I was even less hyped for Star Wars, and I couldn't care less for Jurassic World.

So I believe this movie is a landmark in that, there has never been a smart, extremely animal-anthro movie (biped humanoid furs acknowledging their animality), released before by a major studio, and I couldn't believe Disney of all was gonna be the first. My favourite furry stories have always been those with a moral message we can learn from, Aesop's fables, The Little Prince (and the fox), or Tranquilla Trampeltrue The Persistent Tortoise (Michael Ende, 1972). I'm a bit of an ethic philosophy buff so I was blown away by not just how well scripted Zootopia is, but the moral message it delivers to kids & adults of being persistent, tolerant, and doing the right thing; following your dreams BUT ALSO that life isn't a bed of roses, so all you can and MUST do is always YOUR BEST with everyone you encounter!

I hope you can watch the movie soon, either at the cinema or in DVD / Blu-Ray. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it, and whether you believe my devotion for the movie is justified.


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