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I've already discussed my opinion about a solution to these issues in the original article of Rainfurrest holding off their convention for a year. And that is communications inter-convention to ban those who are found to be committing acts of vandalism to hotel property from all conventions who choose to. Having it be known to convention participants that their behavior against hotel property in RainFurrest could put their ability to go to Anthrocon, MFF, Megaplex, Furlandia, etc. could have a greater influence on behavior then the presence of more security at one particular convention.

Right now, there are so many conventions I think people are taking them for granted and so their behaviors are along the lines of "well the worst they can do is ban me here, and then I guess I'll just got to the convention one state away instead."

The US faced a similar problem with people committing crimes in one state fleeing to others. The solution to that was a Federal level police force called the FBI which would not be tied to the jurisdictions that state laws were bound to, but still utilizing the local sources to help bring the interstate issue to a close.

Our fandom has grown to the point where such a resource is needed at this point. Where convention staff communicate amongst themselves between conventions to ensure that none of them get left behind.


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