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There's scientific literature about surveillance culture and the way overprotectionism can split people up and create more vulnerability. There's literature about controlling, shaming, snitching and crying wolf. It's not good to overreact.

I have deep distrust about using rare extreme cases to call for righteous changes, with few practical examples of where the problem comes from or what the shape of it is.

There's a lot of loaded words but few answers. Who did vandalism? How many? Were they connected to the community? Is this conflating expression with property damage? Who failed to report anything? Is there evidence that "attitude" or "silence" played a part? How much happened outside of the con's view? Does Rainfurrest have power to say more than the candid words they already said?

One of the greatest things about this little subculture is the way it keeps growing and thriving with a DIY ethic. I love to organize events and put out media. If someone is critical about how it works, I want to know what they're doing.


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