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January and February are dump months; it doesn't look good to have a movie there (unless, maybe, you pass it off as "for the Chinese New Year"). It may not be about box office; maybe Illumination feels like this is the one, and they can finally win (or at least be nominated for) the animation Oscar (at the very least, though the trailer doesn't seem to bear it out, a movie called Sing has to have at least one possible Original Song nominee, right?), and a late year release may be about that.

However, since the trailer apparently premiered during the Grammys, at least one box office pundit I both respect and follow is pretty sure its going to do boffo box office (even if he, admittedly, was not exactly clear it is coming Christmas 2016). Also, off topic, but why in the hell is anybody excited about another literal Star Wars prequel? I liked the director's last movie, and the last Star Wars movie, and I hope this thing bombs so badly they insta-cancel all future crappy spinoffs (wishful thinking, but I wishfully think it).

But, getting back on topic, that release date may be a "counter-programming" against Star Wars; also, Christmas is actually a busy time at the theaters. Big movies come out, and it gives people a chance to break from all the holiday rigmarole. I think this is hoping for people sick of Star Wars, not the holidays; also, family audiences of the "I've got the nieces, and Star Wars is sold out, Qualifying Run For Oscar sounds boring to me, so singing pig movie, it is!" set. Empty theaters isn't the problem with furry parties; Christmas parties and general holiday stuff is the problem.


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