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So, who had the worst timing of the three confirmed "anthro world" furry movies of 2016 (and that's ignoring the still waiting on the release date trio of Spark, Rock Dog and Sly Cooper)?

First, Kung Fu Panda 3, who flinched when it realized it was up against freakin' Star Wars, then flinched again when it realized its new date put it up against freakin' Avengers 2.5 (even if we call it a Captain America movie), and for the third time in a row, despite quite easily arguably the best furry franchise, is looking to release in a year where someone else has either a more popular movie (Bolt versus the original) or a just better movie (Rango versus 2), and we'll find out in a week which one Zootopia is.

Second, Zootopia, who advertises specifically its anthro world status in the one year in American cinematic history where that doesn't make it unique for the year.

Third, Sing, which would probably look fine any other year, releases those character designs while Disney is doing a highly detailed, semi-realistic look in Zootopia and DreamWorks is doing the stylish designs of Kung Fu Panda, so that it looks like a cheap knockoff, even though it really isn't (also, Fred, even if we were going to do Sing parties, that Christmas release date makes it kind of awkward).


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