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Things to nominate! (Potentially.) These aren't on the 2015 Recommended List. In the past I've e-mailed Kay at the last minute with things to add, but this year I missed the deadline. So since we're getting down to the wire here, feel free to post things that aren't on the 2015 Recommended List. :)

Motion Picture:
Regular Show: The Movie.

Dramatic Short Work or Series:
Global Goals for Sustainable Development, United Nations ad.
Ushio and Tora (Or does this get nominated later, once it's out on DVD?)
No Evil, episodes 13-17, by Betsy Lee.

Short Fiction:
Squonk the Dragon, by Pete Butler, now in print form in ROAR volume 6.
Evolver, by Ronald W. Klemp, published in The Furry Future.
The Analogue Cat, by Alice 'Huskyteer' Dryden, published in The Furry Future.

Graphic Story:
The Autumnlands, Vol. 1: Tooth and Claw.
Hotblood! (NSFW), by Toril Orlesky, from January 1 to December 31, 2015.

South Afrifur Pawdcast.
Claw & Quill.
[adjective][species]. (NSFW)
FurCast. (NSFW)

Published Illustration:
(Not many con book covers here. If you've been to a furry con in 2015 and still have the con book, check out the cover illustration. If you like it, nominate it! And what about official con shirt art?)


Marfed, comics journalism by Jason Karlson.
Furry Writers' Guild.
Furry reddit.
The Furry Forums.
Gaming Furever.


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