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I can confirm that MFF had a clean room contest such as you describe. Whether they are the only convention that did that, I have no idea.

When the chlorine attack occurred at MFF 2014, one of my biggest concerns was that it would jeopardize the relationship between the convention and the hotel. They had to evacuate everyone from the building for several hours, including non-con attendees, and the hotel has for instance contracts with airlines to put up their flight crews overnight. Would it have been reasonable for the hotel to argue that the attack occurred because the furry convention was being hosted there, we can't afford incidents like this, and therefore we don't want you back? Fortunately that didn't happen and to all appearances the hotel was as welcoming and enthusiastic as ever for MFF 2015. If there were any discussions over whether to cancel or alter the contract, I don't know about them.

However, management at other hotels might see it and handle it differently. 'This happened because your convention was here.' My hunch is that this is what RainFurrest was dealing with, both from the Hilton and from other prospective venues. I've never heard any confirmation one way or the other whether they know who was responsible for the incidents that caused the worst of the property damage, and if they don't know, that implies they can't be sure if they were con attendees or not. I was at RF 2015 and will concur with what Rabbit said above, which is that everything I saw indicated a sane and well-run convention in terms of what happened during the weekend. The damage took place mostly outside of public view, and I didn't witness the adult diaper incidents (which I am told didn't have that much to do with the cancellation anyway).


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