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I know the crowds you speak of. They are furries. They have furry characters and get furry art of them drawn and have FA pages and engage in furry things. They have furry twitter accounts and furry such things. They do all the things on the internet and in real life that furries do.

It's just at cons, they seem to believe the purpose is to have a wicked nightlife as well.

Saying they're not furries is really doing a disservice to what's going on here. They're furries. The cons are not supplying enough on their own to keep people interested in doing non-troublesome things. So these furries are inventing things to do, and that's causing problems.

I don't know the answer to this, but I suspect it comes about as cons have become less and less "specific" and more and more general. Cons tend to aim for larger attendances year over year and stop aiming for being good at one thing or two things.

I suspect if RF was, instead, branded as "Furry Writers Con" , and filled its days and nights with writing tracks ONLY and writing workshops ONLY, that you would see attendance drop, but also would see behavior mellow out as furs who are there are REALLY there for a reason the con provides, as opposed to one that must be carted in in liquor bottles and vaporizers.


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