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Dude, if you think that literally quoting you is "putting words in your mouth", I don't know what to tell you. I guess that the only way to discuss things with you must be to ignore what you say, and somehow just surmise what you really mean with magical crystals or whatever, because if I actually respond to your words I get accused of not reading things anyway.

If you think I'm attacking you to share with others and mock on Twitter, you might be experiencing delusions of your own, and while that's common, it's not something I'm going to take seriously or respond to in anyway that doesn't include a degree of pity.

Though you may value my opinion, this was never intended by me to be a round of seasoned discourse or a debate to be "won", because I do not extend the same sentiment to you. My responses would have likely been shorter, more vulgar, and more explicitly disdainful from the start if I hadn't thought it would frighten you off immediately. Otherwise, how would I get any amusement from your repeated insertion of conservative/reactionary bait, strange and unasked for personal information about yourself, and your taking Elmore, yourself, and this discussion way more seriously than anyone else here?

If you think me calling things "nonsense" or "ooze" is me losing control of my emotions, why didn't you feel the same in my original reply, where I called things "nonsense", "masturbatory", and "crock of shit"? Could it be that you're just trying to claim a "rational" high ground by painting me as having emotions and therefore being unreasonable, and not actually because I'm losing my cool in any way? Say it ain't so, Crusader Cat!


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