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"who are 18 years of age or older"

My point still stands.

"No it's not"

*facepalm* Ok, show me the 10 year old that was issued a drivers license, and do you seriously not know what "age of consent" is? When Elmore claimed that most furries were pedos, I sadly didn't doubt him as much as I would have liked, now you just given weight to his claim.

"'Having large quantities of money' is not a side-benefit of being an adult."

Having money is a benefit of having a stable job, which is something adults do. How are you constantly misunderstanding me so much? Do you want to have a discussion and get some insight, or do you just want to "pwn" me so you can post the screenshots on twitter like some kind of trophy? The more this happens the more it seems like your doing this deliberately.

"And yet, in the paragraph above:"

Nice job putting words in my mouth again, This is the third time I accused you of not reading what I wrote before you responded. How many more times must I repeat myself?

"I definitely disagree with you that childishness is a moral failing even when it has become a mental illness"

We're not talking about mental illness, we're talking about childishness, the example I cited is an extreme case of how it can hurt not only that mans family, but the entire trans community.


Nice ad-hominem there, a classic symptom of losing the argument. Also, if your going to delve into unsupported internet rumors, there's quite a bit of dirt on you, but I won't bring it up because I'm a better person than that.

"Just a little thing I keep in my back pocket called 'empathy'"

If you have empathy, why would you mock me for supposedly being mentally handicapped just two sentences before?

"You can't just accuse me of not having read your patent nonsense just because you don't like my reaction to them"

No, I accused you of of reading them because you clearly didn't, and when you did you twist my words in a limp wristed attempt to make me the fool. Not only that but you childishly ignore points that I make with thinks like "lol" and "wew lad" as if it's some kind of argument. I am trying to discuss like an adult, and get some more information on the subject matter from people with a differing point of view, you're just interested in contradicting me even when it doesn't make sense so you can put another notch on your laptop for the latest internet argument you "won".

"patent nonsense"

This is more proof that you barely even read what I write here. You already have the pre-conceived notion that I'm wrong just because I'm Crusader Cat, and the "right" thing to do when talking to Crusader Cat is to contradict his statements, twist his words, and insult him. I shook my head when Patch threw in the towel and insulted me like a child, now I see you going down the same path. It's a shame, I was hoping you'd me more mature than him. I guess I was wrong.

"did you want me to have two threads' worth of 'discussion' with you?"

Yes, because although I disagree with you, I VALUE your opinion, You had some good arguments in favor of the fandom being mature and responsible, and you corrected me when you feel I'm wrong, (and in some cases, I agree I was). I am here to discuss, learn, and in the end know more than I had coming in, and thanks to people like you, I have done that. I'd assume you were the same way, but it seems you're just losing your temper and want to mock and insult me like a child.

"not everything you ooze onto a page is worth responding to."

And yet you respond to EVERY comment I have made on this page so far, even when it was not addressed to you. Since you're clearly starting to lose control of your emotions, perhaps you should take a break from the internet for a bit.


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