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First I'd have to criticize your choice of title, it gives the impression that you think masculinity is a bad thing, and also implies that you can have only one or the other. There's nothing wrong with being masculine, or being a furry, and likewise, there's nothing wrong with not being any of those things

He's criticizing the way Elmore preaches for rigid limits of masculinity and saying Elmore's definition is bad, not the tolerant kind. The second sentence is reasonable, until-

"we all know of the consequences of something like sexuality getting out of hand"

Whenever I see a "we" statement it makes me say "speak for yourself". When I see people spread fright about "sexuality" (rather than talking about exploitation or consent), it shows an unhealthy obsession because their own sexuality is too much "in hand".

"Fursuit Yiff" will get you over 20 pages of results on xtube"

"It was just research I swear!" Suuuure... Please compare notes with Elmore and tell which ones to avoid :)

If we raise a generation of people who are lack independence, and are severely oversensitive

It's ironic how the urge to make people dependent on biblical dogma takes so much oversensitivity about what consenting adults do. And shaming to keep them in line, and resentment of expression. It's impossible to overlook how that comes from a really ugly dude. Elmore could benefit from some fursuiting therapy. Man needs to loosen his gasket. Not sure if he'd get hugs as a constipated S&M frog though.

One thing I'm REALLY glad you brought up is the question of what exactly IS mature and immature.

Sounds like you're getting somewhere... Elmore already has his answers and wants to preach them to everyone else, too bad they're wrong. Being mature/manly involves questioning dogma and defining yourself.

The Furries & conservatives article I linked up there got me more than a few protests from conservative furries saying they felt overlooked/marginalized. It was worth hearing, especially when even they said Elmore was a fossilized douchebag who couldn't think or make any point that wasn't literally from his bible.


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