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That was never me; I never had a problem with all the reviews being by you. I in fact defended your reviews multiple times, mostly from people who thought your positive reviews weren't, I don't know, positive enough. I only had a problem keeping up with you, because you are prolific, man! Also, my computer broke. I think I've said that before.

And anyway, even if I did agree, it's a difference in scale; you were reviewing mostly independently published and small press stuff. Your reviews were about the only press they were getting, and if one review resulted in one sale, well, that was still significant. Kung Fu Panda 3 and Zootopia and Norm of the North and what not are big budget movies with international audiences and entire websites devoted to quantifying their reviews; we're a drop in the bucket, and they don't need us. And multiple reviews (especially if we all agree) would just bore our readers.


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