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If you like weird sheep books, has a whole page of weird sheep books in German.

There are two sheep murder mysteries by Leonie Swann, “Glenkill” (2005) and “Garou” (2011). The first is a “Schafskrimi” (sheep crime) and the second is a “Schaf-Thriller”. The victims are human; a sheep, Miss Maple, is the detective. “Glenkill” has been translated into English as “Three Bags Full: A Sheep Detective Story”; I reviewed it in 2007:

The page on also has “Mords Schafe”, an anthology of fiction about murders that are solved by sheep; “Die Schafgäääng” volume 4, by Christine & Christopher Russell, which I haven’t read but shows five sheep surfboarding on its cover – not serious, I assume, but a 240-page novel, not a picture book – and “Tod im Anflug: Ein Gänsekrimi” (Death on the Approach [Landing?]: A Goose Crime), by Karin Bergrath, a 304-page murder mystery with a goose detective whose hero is “Magnum, P.I." on TV (doesn’t sound serious); “Tartufo: Roman” by Wolfgang Zdral – when the truffle merchant Matteo is found dead and the inept police are clueless, one of his pigs, Leonardo, ein Trüffelschwein, investigates, 350 pages; …

We’ve gotten away from sheep, but there are plenty of German murder mysteries with animal detectives, mostly unavailable in English (except for three of the “Felidae” novels by Akif Pirinçci).

Fred Patten


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