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There is nothing wrong or against the law anywhere in Thailand if you wanted to talk about the king or the monarchy, provided that what you said should fall under that 'all love the king', 'all hail the king' narratives. Just like there is nothing wrong in the movie you mentioned here because its'all the rage under that narratives which is not only permitted but also a highly encouraged by the Elites in Bangkok. And when I say the Elites I means the yellow shirts, the PDRC, and the army. Those are people who are always on the rage about enforcing this draconian laws anywhere. According to them, you can only love the king and the monarchy, and should remind yourself again and again that 'the king can do no wrong'. They'll baffled and hate you for thinking or doing otherwise. They had shut down the country once and I guess they'll close the Internet and take on the whole world too if they had to, just to 'protect the king'.

And You know what? what is kind of ironic about the said law though, is that you never seen the King himself endorsing, encouraging, or even addressing it in public, even once.

Hell, I talk too much already, my jail term could be just as long as that guy who insulted the kings dog in the news just for saying something borderline (to their ears) like this.


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