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So im confused here, we offer you free hosting, so you can forgo the quoted 300 a month you have been paying in server fees, and you decide instead to shut down and kill the site....

Im not sure where you have been getting your server space however i pay what breaks down to 59.99 a month for each 2U Server i run, and half or even a quarter of one of those servers could run furnation....

I can understand if your tired of running it, but there are other ways to handle the situation. Even when i contacted you and hashed on you about your security, it was always, to get you to improve it, to better yourself and your site. I hearby extend my previous offer again, with the supplement that we will cover you for 1 year, and even assist you with operations if/as needed.

I am a PHP programmer, Certified as such, and I also hold Certifications in MySQL, Networking, Network Security, Computer Forensics, and many others. And my colleage/moderator Foxxer has simular skills. This is NOT something we cant handle....

Owner of Furry Social Network


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