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Ha, ha, funny story ...

You can basically take this article and replace the word "FurrTrax" with "I", "FurrTrax's" with "My", and "FurrTrax is" with "I am" and the meaning is the exact same, and it shows just how not press like this is.

Because that's mostly what I did, except Dark Xander is more of a "royal we" guy, it turns out (note, Dark Xander, in the future, third person perspective is our style, even for press releases; the exception is opinion pieces).

Historically, Flayrah has run press releases; not our most popular feature, but this one could hardly be called an advertisement. Also, it covers a couple of topics we otherwise wouldn't have covered, so that's nice. Note that I did tag it a press release; I don't mean that as a "get out of criticism free" card, but some of the comments by Rakuen especially seem to have missed that. I did consider putting the whole article in blockquotes; perhaps in the future to further differentiate press releases.

Basically, my decision to run the story; only Green Reaper could overrule me, and he hasn't sent me any angry emails yet (well, "vaguely disappointed" is usually as fierce as he gets). Knock on wood.

Also, Sonious, be fair. If Dragoneer wanted to post articles here, we would run them. I don't think we need to worry about that, though. You and Rakuen have made sure that boat has sailed, as it were.

(Been a big day for big editorial decisions from me; Fred's article was submitted as "How can we not call 'Get Squirrely' a shitty movie?" Not in the headline, Fred.)


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