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I would agree with the Growlithe for once. It does read like a press release.

While there is something in the press called 'informational offerings' that promote issues and causes. Usually those issues, offers, or causes are being served to the readers of Flayrah, not to one specific person that may or may not be a user of Flayrah.

I mean it's flatter if you think every furry reads it. But that couldn't be further from the truth. You'd probably get a bigger audience posting on you FA Journal (depending on the number of watchers you have).

Or, maybe contacting the person who runs it directly on a social furry site.

It's not even a well disguised personal promotional piece. You can basically take this article and replace the word "FurrTrax" with "I", "FurrTrax's" with "My", and "FurrTrax is" with "I am" and the meaning is the exact same, and it shows just how not press like this is.

If you know they are a user here you can use the Direct Message feature to contact them directly. I'm sure that'll get their attention more because even with me being here quite often that doesn't pop up too much.

What's next? Dragoneer posting articles on how he will offer free Digimon cards for those that leave their Weasyl accounts behind?


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