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Yeah, and this was pretty much the last chance; it follows this old comic almost exactly for a fifth season (note the bit about the "original creative team leaving"). Basically, I'm hoping this was the last season; it's all downhill from here.

The fact that they gave the movie a November release date is awesome, though; that's right in the middle of the awards corridor. Unless it's just awful, they are positioning themselves perfectly for at least a Best Song nomination or two at the Oscars, and a Best Animated Feature nomination is ... not impossible, though The LEGO Movie doesn't set a great precedent for even really, really fantastic toy based movies making it. And, at the very least, just positioning themselves in a very competitive month shows confidence; they didn't just dump it off in the January/February or August/September death corridors, or even the April experimental corridor, even if they aren't having a go at the Oscars.


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