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First of all, it's called implications. Don't try and pull that passive aggressive shit on me.

My response to your rebuttal is pay better attention.

My response to your question about a "real discussion" is we can't have a "real discussion" when we're just guessing. (Also, I don't respect your opinions. That's also a problem.)

My response to your assertions that they aren't trying to surprise me is "duh." I'm a furry fan, not a surprise fan. Maybe if there were more high budget talking fox movies per annum I would have higher standards about what I got excited about, but there aren't, so I don't.

I actually really like redemption stories. Most people like redemption stories. What would be sad is if the giant fucking asshole protagonist was still a giant fucking asshole at the end of the story. And, you know what, you like redemption stories. In fact, that was the point of Surf's Up's ending you like so much. Cody was a selfish asshole only interested in winning, but then he learned the importance of friendship (or, put another way, the importance of not being a selfish asshole) and let someone else win, so he kind of, you know, redeemed himself. Also, how you can say Surf's Up is "the most unconventional ground breaking animated film in year" without bringing up what is actually unconventional and ground breaking (the mockumentary style applied to an animated movie) while apparently praising the parts that aren't (the story which, while nice, is both not as clever as you think it is and is also the exact same type of story you are accusing Zootopia of being).

Also, Jesus Christ, watch Rocky some time. Spoiler alert; HE FUCKING LOSES!

Now, in your defense, Zootopia will probably have a pretty standard story; fuck's sake, I pointed it out it was a bog-standard cliche "buddy cop/wunza plot" movie back in my first article on the subject. Here's an Internet video from last year explaining why they're terrible. Nobody fucking cares! But, you know, you've made your stand; you're going with the literal cheap Chinese knockoff. Good for you. Brave choice. And in all honesty, maybe kinda looking forward to that to, though the complete lack of a release date kind of makes it hard to get excited for. And, by the way, who's byline is under the Rock Dog trailer article on Flayrah?

But, you know, maybe cool it on the pissing on the parade. Because that brings me to what I've really wanted to say, ever since you've started posting here, and I really mean this from the bottom of my heart:

Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Please, for the love of God, shut your mouth. Shut up. Shut up. Shutupshutupshup. Shuttity up up up!

Now that that's off my chest, if you finish the video, post in the Newsbytes or whatever. Also, I really need to see The Gift. I keep putting it off, though, you realize that The Gift and Zootopia star the same guy, right?


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