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1. How am I saying I'm better than you...?

2. Not setting as in background, but technological setting. Who cares if selfies exist in that universe?

3. While sure it's a decent arc, it doesn't leave much room to speculate. Obviously Nick will do something to redeem himself in the movie since he's not the nicest character ever, and none of the info about the movie says otherwise to that. They're not trying to surprise anyone. XP

4. To be fair, all you post about is Zootopia. Books, Posters, etc. I'd like to see some more! Like...why didn't Caravan Palace get a post when they used anthros in their music video? That's more interesting than kids books (or maybe when NCIS:LA had a legit moment where the two characters discussed the fandom and having fursonas). XP

5. I'm not saying it'll be bad, I'm saying it's predictable and underwhelming. Like I said, I plan to release a video where I make a full start to finish guess about the plot of the movie. If I'm wrong, then I'll own up to it! If the movie surprises me and is genuinely clever then I'll say it! I keep bringing up Rock Dog because the director of it, Ash Brannon, directed Surf's Up. The most unconventional ground breaking animated film in years. Cody doesn't win the trophy or whatever which goes against audience expectations for the underdog story. He rescues his friend. That is something that you can't give away, spoil or predict. But to know just from the attitude of Nick that he'll redeem himself in the movie is kinda sad. XP

6. I can talk about a lot of things. , Eurovision, Music, Movies (The Gift is f*cking amazing btw), TV, etc, but ALL YOU POST IS ZOOTOPIA (Yes I know there are other things but Comics are not an area I'm familiar with, and movies with almost no information are hard to quite make and opinion on besides yay or nay). I get that it's furry related and must be posted about but then just cause that's what you post about and that's all I can comment on, doesn't mean that's all I can say. XP

My rebuttal is that you don't post enough else for me to comment on. Let's have a real discussion then.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz


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