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Also, I don't think worrying about over-hyping trailers in the year of Star Wars: Episode VII is much of a crime.

Earlier this year, I was at a theater that actually had nerds shushing the audience when the trailer came on (I think this was before Mission Impossible IV?); and not like a new trailer, either. It was the teaser, the one over a six months old at this point. It's not like they hadn't seen it a thousand times on YouTube before. Or that this is actually the fourth Star Wars movie to come out in their lifetimes (and the previous three are now considered pretty disappointing).

Also, Cassidy, your schtick, well, it's not getting old, because it started old, but now you're just predictable. I mean, I've been saving this image just for the sake of replying to you replying to this trailer. But, anyway, enjoy Angry Birds.


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